How do you celebrate Christmas? Look at the American customer, what does Sam say?
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- Dec 22,2017
How do you celebrate Christmas? Look at the American customer, what does Sam say?

Sam is a customer of the PCBQuick, He told us how to celebrate Christmas?
"Thanks Lena for the kind thought to take the time to send Christmas greetings to me.
Happiness and success is a gift from God the creator. Even our family, friends and our very life is God given unto us in this life to cherish.
Many people celebrate the day off work on Christmas day but may not realize what it is celebrated for.
May I share below with you what is special about it? If yes, then continue further reading this email.
Man has a big issue:
Is there any “good” person that has ever lived this earth? Such a person who has never stolen, or spoken lies, or looked at someone with wrong thoughts,
Or called someone a fool or never forgave a person? And the list goes on and on and it’s called “sin”.
According to the book of Bible which is written by God unto man, it says that “all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.” (You can read it yourself in the book under chapter Romans 3:23)
So you and I and everyone in this world has this problem and we all are sinners.
Punishment is waiting for us:
You know that in a courtroom the one who commits wrong is punished by the Judge. The time will come when all men will be judged by God for all they have done after this life ends.
People think they will be fine because of all the nice works they had done in their life, but that is not true. As a criminal is punished for his one crime and not for all his nice works,
Similarly, it will be the wrong deeds for which the person will be condemned.
If this is true, then no one can be right before God- Which is also true.
Sinners cannot be where Holy God lives in heaven, they will be sent forever in a very bad place called Hell where they will burn forever with fire.
(“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” This is from chapter Matthew 25:46 from the Book of Bible.)
But God wants to help save us:
God knows that no one is clean before Him and is destined to go away from His presence. But God loved us so much that He choose to make a way for us to be with Him.
They only way He could help us was to find someone to replace our position in the courtroom with another person so that we can go free and the other person can take all our blame and sin and receive the punishment.
But the rule is that such a replacement person should be a good person who is clean and has never sinned.
But again there was no such good person found, because there is no man who has not sinned.
So God himself sent His son to earth to be born as a man, He was born to a woman in Israel without a human father because God Himself is His Father. (with God this is possible.)
He lived to grow up and never sinned even once and when he became a man he freely choose to be that person who can replace me and you and all people in this world in the court of judgement.
He was given the punishment of death and he died on the wooden cross and took away all the sins of all people.
So now because price for our sin was paid, we can now be clean and righteous before God to be in His presence.
(“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.” This is from Chapter John 3:16 from the Bible)
God raised Him out of death on the 3rd day from His tomb as written and as promised unto Him because death has no hold on God. He was seen for many weeks by close to 500 people before God took Him up
To Himself in front of many people. Before He left He said that is also written in the book at many occasions that He is coming back soon to take to Himself those people who have chosen to believe in Him and what He has done for them.
Good News with a condition:
This son of God who died for us His name is “Jesus” and in Him alone we can escape from our punishment. All you need to do is believe in Jesus, believe that He is the son of God, believe that He lived a clean life,
Believe that He took your punishment on the cross and came to life on the third day and is now with God.
(“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” From Chapter John 1:12)
Knocking your door:
Lena, with this message that you heard today, is a knock by God at your door. God is knocking, will you open the door to welcome Him in?
(“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup (eat) with him, and he with me.” From Revelation 3:20)
Only One way:
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” From John 14:6
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” From Exodus 20:3-5
There is only one God and only way to come to Him is through Jesus Christ. You have to give up all other idols and rituals and only trust in God through Jesus His Son.
If you would like to give up your old ways and make yourself right before God, then pray to God and tell Him to forgive you and tell Him that you believe in Jesus and what He did for me.
Ask God to change your heart and come into your heart and help you know more about Jesus.
It is the birth of this “Jesus Christ” that we celebrate Christmas. Christ-Mas which is the birth of the anointed one.
Merry Christmas Lena.
Thank Sam for interpreting the Bible for us, Let everyone in PCBQuick know the origin of Christmas. At the same time, thank Sam for PCBQuick's business support.
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